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Our Little Secret: The 23andMe Musical Review

Our Little Secret: The 23andMe Musical Review

31st July – 26th August (not 7th, 12th, 12th or 20th) 2024

Our Little Secret – The 23andMe Musical tells the story of Noam Thomaschoff’s discovery that he wasn’t an only child, and that he was in fact one of 35 siblings dotted around the world.

The one person show, written and performed by Thomaschoff himself, with musical composition from Ryan Peters, takes us step by step through the emotional roller coaster ride endured by the family upon the revelation that Thomaschoff’s father isn’t so…at least not biologically anyway.  Thomaschoff confronts his parents and, after an initial dilemma, he defies his parents’ wishes to keep the family secret and finds solace by telling everyone. But it doesn’t stop there!  Buoyed on by the support of his friends he has the urge to tell the world, and what better way to do it than in the form of a musical?!

For those of you not familiar with the product 23andMe (other websites are available) it is a home DNA testing service which allows you to discover your genetic make up.

The topic of DNA testing is not without controversy and there have been numerous reports of historical unethical practices from clinics, so the subject matter for the show certainly has depth and makes for a good story.  

With a strong subject matter, some good numbers and a highly talented performer, this feels like a musical which has great potential

We witness Thomaschoff on an emotional journey as he initially has to deal with the shock of finding out the truth, then the trauma of falling out with his parents who don’t share his view of openness and honesty on the matter.  We see the strain on the family, but Thomaschoff’s determination wins through and throws up so many positives.   

Thomaschoff is unquestionably a talented performer and must be commended for this bold and brave decision, showing resilience in the face of adversity, but this show, despite the subject, lacks substance.  

There are some catchy tunes and a good variety of musical theatre styles, with a good peppering of comedy thrown in to break the tension, but much of the show is flat and lacks creativity.  There are moments when voiceover is used and we see glimpses of Thomaschoff’s comical interaction which lifts the energy, but these are few and far between.

With a strong subject matter, some good numbers and a highly talented performer this feels like a musical which has great potential and, based on Thomaschoff’s commitment to telling his story, I do hope it continues on its journey and achieves great things.

Stephen Cambridge

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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