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Green Room Reviews > Theatre > Vegetables


8th – 23rd June 2024

Immersive experience hosted by Clerkenwell Bio Botanics

When the opportunity to spend my last night as a 22-year-old at a secret location in Clerkenwell landed in my inbox, I signed myself up. My friend and I met after work on Wednesday, and with the very limited information we had, we made our merry way.

We knew where to go, that we needed to give password codes on arrival, and to bring a jumper. Luckily, we got the password codes right, and as we sat around a table waiting to be taken down to the ‘research centre’, none of us knew what to expect.

It’s something you can only experience for yourself. Although, be prepared – you’re never going to look at a red onion in the same way again.

The following 90-minute showcase of Vegetables was an immersive experience from the get-go. It was entertaining, discomforting, and downright bonkers in equal measure, and as we were promptly ushered out of the ‘research centre’ at the end of the showcase, everyone had the same five words on their lips: “What did we just watch?”.

It’s something you can only experience for yourself. Although, be prepared – you’re never going to look at a red onion in the same way again.

Maggie John

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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